Atikokan Cottage Lots - Lerome Lake skip to content

Atikokan Cottage Lots

Available Sold Reserved

Lerome Lake

Situated about 15 minutes west of Atikokan, Lerome Lake is approximately 3 km in length and 3 km in width. The shoreline of the waterfront lots consists mainly of rocky slopes and shallow soils. The vegetation consists mainly of White Birch, Poplar, Balsam Fir, Spurce and Pine.

Predominant fish species include Walleye, Smallmouth Bass and Northern Pike. Lerome Lake is classified as a gateway into Quetico Provincial Park.


The access road is currently under construction and completion is expected in late summer of 2018. Road maintenance will be provided by the township once the road is completed, however, year round maintenance (snow plowing) will not be provided until the 2nd phase (15 lot plan) has been completed (completion is anticipated by late 2018).

There is currently a MNR regulated boat launch point on the lake.